Be honest…how often do you really stretch? 

Stretching is often times dramatically overlooked, but has a variety of health benefits. Read below for benefits, and why we as therapists believe it’s so important! 

Relaxes your mind: Taking time out of your busy day to relax your body helps to also relax your mind. Lean in to stretch times and take a second to really feel all of your muscles get nice and limber. 

Helps to alleviate back pain: Often times back pain decreases range of motion. Regular stretching can help to strengthen these muscles and improve overall back health. 

Increases flexibility and range of motion: Enhanced range of motion helps to prepare your muscles for day to day activity as well as high-impact activities. 

Improves blood flow: Stretching improves blood flow to your muscles and shortens recovery time by reducing muscle soreness. 

Improves posture: Stretching helps to move the body to proper alignment and reduces musculoskeletal pain! 

Stretch On!