Does the Coronavirus have you working from home? Here are some pointers for good desk ergonomics!




Chair: Choose a chair that supports your spinal curves. Adjust the height of the armrests so that your forearms can rest gently on then with your shoulders down and relaxed. The height of the chair should allow your feet to rest flat on the floor with knees in line with your hips. 


Desk: Your legs should be able to move freely under your desk. If the desk is too high, adjust the chair height and add a footrest for your feet in order to achieve good chair ergonomics as mentioned above. If the desk is too low, add sturdy blocks underneath the chairs legs to raise it. 


Computer Monitor: The top of the monitor should be at, or below eye level and an arm’s reach away. The keyboard should be located directly in front of the monitor with then mouse on the same surface and level with it. When using the keyboard and mouse, keep your upper arms close to your body and your wrists at, or slightly below the elbows with the wrists straight. Keep key objects that you use frequently close to you to minimize reaching. 


Telephone: If you frequently use the phone and type at the same time, use a hands-free headset or speaker phone to avoid cradling the phone between your neck and head. 


**Don’t forget to get up every hour and move around! This increases blood flow and will help with the concentration when you sit back down to work. Incorporate some chest/hip openings to lengthen muscles that became shortened when sitting for extended periods of time!**