In our clinic, lower back pain is one of the most common ailments that we treat. Sciatica is a very common type of lower back pain involving inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The Sciatic nerve originates in the lumbar spine and travels through the buttocks region and down the leg. If a person has a herniated disc, bone spur, or stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal), the sciatic nerve may be easily pinched. Depending on posture, activity level, body mechanics and sleeping position, a person can trigger sciatic pain that can reach down to the calf. Most people we treat with sciatica pain will experience symptoms that radiate down one side of the buttocks and hip and with more severe cases people can develop numbness and weakness of the affected leg.
During an examination of a patient with sciatica pain, our therapists will check posture, pelvic alignment, hip mobility, spinal mobility, and muscle flexibility. An x-ray is helpful to address the root cause of the pain, however, a simple assessment of body mechanics during functional movements can help to identify triggers of pain as well. Many people show reduced pain with a simple series of exercises. One of our most helpful stretches for sciatica pain is the Piriformis muscle stretch. The piriformis muscle is a deep hip muscle that tends to be tight and guarded. It is a common cause of increased pressure to the sciatic nerve and if released can significantly reduce the sciatica pain.
Figure 4 Piriformis Stretch
Purpose: to stretch the piriformis muscle and improve external rotation of the hip joint.
Start lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor or propped against the wall at 90-degree angle. Cross the R ankle over the L knee and gently pull the R knee closer to the chest.
Slide closer to the wall for more of a stretch. The stretch should be felt at the outside of R hip.
Hold for 1 minute then repeat on other side.
For more information call us at Results Rehab to schedule a free screen or initial evaluation. (619) 437-6450