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Ask Dr. Blair: What are the most common hip and pelvis injuries and causes of chronic pain?

It is essential to have the hip and pelvic region in proper alignment to perform everyday functional tasks and activities. When the joints of the body are not symmetrical or balanced, people can experience inflammation to muscle, tendon, or joint surfaces creating a nagging pain that is hard to resolve. If a person has poor alignment it is usually due to limited range of motion, muscle weakness, or tension in surrounding hip musculature. Any restrictions in mobility can make people more prone to injury.

Many people lead more sedentary lifestyles and/or are being forced to work from home where they must sit for long periods of time. When we sit for long periods of time we develop stiffness in our hip joints and potentially create malalignment of our pelvis. This lack of movement may not seem to bother the hips or pelvis but can increase the likelihood of injury if they do begin to move or exercise.

Some common types of pain in the hip and pelvis region include:

-SI joint dysfunction
-Hip impingement
-Muscle strain

These issues can be results of trauma, repetitive movements or increased sedentary behaviors. At Results we are trained to find the cause of your symptoms in order to provide long-term, lasting pain-free results. We check your pelvic alignment and hip mobility at your initial evaluation and provide a plan of care to help you improve your functional mobility.

Here is an easy stretch that can help improve your pelvic alignment and hip mobility at home:

Figure 4 Piriformis Stretch
Purpose: to stretch the piriformis muscle and improve external rotation of the hip joint.
Start lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor or propped against the wall at 90-degree angle. Cross the R ankle over the L knee and gently pull the R knee closer to the chest.
Slide closer to the wall for more of a stretch. The stretch should be felt at the outside of R hip.
Hold for 1 minute then repeat on other side.


For more information call us at Results Rehab to schedule a free screen or initial evaluation.       (619) 437-6450