Every 11 seconds an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall. Not only that but one in four Americans aged 65+ falls each year. These falls can easily be prevented.
The unsteadiness that people describe can be due to poor balance, lack of strength in their legs, or bad habits developed from previous injuries. If you notice that you rely on chair armrests to stand up or fear walking on sand or grass because it makes you feel unsteady, you might not realize this is a problem at first.
Many people let these issues and impairments go until one day they suffer a fall that really sets them back. They are no longer able to walk independently or do the things they love to do without difficulty.
The good news is there are simple ways to improve balance and strength through our Results Treatment Method. We assess your mobility and strength, analyze your gait pattern, and provide you with a customized treatment plan to improve the weaker areas.
The Results Treatment Method has been proven to help many of my patients to improve their functional strength and mobility as well as reduce their risk of falling. We educate you and give you the tools to stay balanced and strong in order to get you back to doing what you enjoy.
If you are interested in seeing what we can do for you, call us at Results Rehab to schedule a free 30 -minute screen with one of our Doctor’s of PT.
Call us at 619-437-6450 or send us an email at results@resultsrehab.com