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Get Back in Balance: Your Muscles are the Key!

The body needs to be balanced in order to function efficiently and to reduce risk of fall, injury, or pain. Each major joint in the body consists of antagonistic muscle groups in which one side is usually inhibited or weak and the other is overworked or tight. Unfortunately, this is part of the nature of being human and living with the effects of gravity. When we sit, we are essentially shortening the muscles in the front of our hips (hip flexors) and lengthening the muscles on the back side (gluteal muscles). This can create an imbalance that is hard to correct without intentionally resetting your posture.  

The muscles that are typically inhibited in people with balance issues are the gluteal muscles (buttocks region), quadriceps (front of the thigh), and gastrocnemius (calf region). When these muscles are consciously activated, there is a change in position of the hip and knee joint allowing for improved alignment and stability of the body. The key to improving balance is repetitive isometric contraction of these inhibited muscles to improve motor control and ability to wake up these muscles that tend to fall asleep on us.   

For helpful exercises to address these muscle groups, please check out our previously posted blog!

If you are interested in seeing what we can do for you, call us at Results Rehab to schedule a free 30 -minute screen with one of our Doctor’s of PT.

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