Have you ever heard the phrase: “You are what you eat…”? 

That’s because it’s true! What you consume daily has a much bigger impact on your physical and mental health than you would realize. It’s important to realize the quality content of what is in your favorite foods, what they do to the body, and what you can do to replace these foods with instead. Inflammation is a leading cause of many diseases and nutritional ailments. Here are some highly inflammatory foods, and the easy way you can replace them.

  1.  Sugar: Have you ever tried to come off sugar? Good luck! Sugar is known to be as addicting as heavy narcotics, causing those who remove it from their diet to be shaky, and even have withdrawal symptoms.

*Look for products with no added sugars, and if you feel as though you need to add a little sweetness, try adding raw-whole sugar, stevia or honey.

 2.  Refined Grains: Grains that are processed can cause your glycemic index to go through the roof!

 *Look for “Whole Grains”, nothing white or that has a long shelf life.

3.  Vegetable Oils: Oils that are created in factories, and not derived from whole ingredients are often mixed with additives and preservatives.
     *   Look for coconut oils, ghee, or fresh pressed olive oil.

4.  Conventional Meats: Meat where the animal was fed a grain-based diet, loaded up with hormones, and antibiotics produces meat that is fatty, and very unhealthy.
     *   Look for grass-fed, free-range, wild-caught animal products to ensure you will get the best quality possible!

5.  Processed Meats: You know what I’m talking about. Hot dogs, sausage, bologna, salami, etc! These meats contain crazy amounts of sodium, nitrates, and AEG’s. What typically happens is your body can’t handle the amount of added chemicals to your system.

6.  Too Much Alcohol: Too much alcohol creates an imbalance in the body, taking the body out of homeostasis. It can also lead to liver damage, creating even more problems down the road.

*Look for non-alcoholic drinks, or even a mocktail! 

Regulating what you eat can help you feel stronger, think clearer, and get you on your way to your best self!