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Knee Exercises Gone Wrong: The Dangers of Improper Lifting

When trying to strengthen or stretch the muscles surrounding the knee, many people unknowingly can aggravate the joint structures. When using standard weight machines or heavy weighted bars with poor alignment and mechanics you can increase retro-patellar stress. This added stress can actually worsen your knee pain and leave you with poor results.  The leg press and knee extension machines are very popular at the gym but if done mindlessly or without proper alignment, they can create soreness in the wrong places. Deep squats can also be problematic if the person has poor knee joint control and improper alignment.  

With our Results Treatment Method (RTM), we can help patients avoid added knee pain and reduce recovery time. While other clinics may provide helpful therapeutic exercises, RTM gives people the tools to stay pain free for longer periods of time. 


It is important to be able to selectively activate the Vastus Medialis Oblique muscle in order to correctly stabilize the knee joint. Here is a simple, yet powerful exercise to improve the strength of your quadriceps:

1) Start by lying down on your back with a rolled-up towel or pillow under your knee and your ankle.  

2) Flex your foot up, straighten the knee, and engage the inner/medial quadriceps. It helps to imagine you are sliding our heel away, like a pie going in an oven. 

3) This exercise can be done in sets of 10 reps to improve your motor control and muscular endurance. 

For more information call us at Results Rehab to schedule a free screen or initial evaluation.       (619) 437-6450