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The Dangers of Hunching and How to Improve Posture

Sitting at a desk for hours on end has become a common part of modern life, but it can be harmful to our posture, causing neck and shoulder pain, headaches, and even long-term damage to our spine and nervous system. One of the most common posture problems that arise from prolonged sitting is hunching over, which puts extra pressure on the shoulders, neck, and back.

Studies have shown that bad posture can lead to a range of health problems, including chronic pain, poor circulation, and decreased mobility. The neck and shoulders are especially vulnerable to these problems, as they are constantly being subjected to the weight of the head and upper body. Over time, this strain can cause the muscles to become tight and stiff, leading to chronic pain and decreased mobility.

However, there are some simple exercises that can help reverse these negative effects of hunching over. Here are two exercises that can be done anywhere, at any time, to help improve posture and increase mobility:

  1. Shoulder Blade Squeezes: This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles between the shoulder blades, which can help to improve posture and reduce tension in the neck and shoulders. To perform this exercise, sit or stand with your arms at your sides and your shoulders relaxed. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as tightly as you can, hold for a few seconds, and then release. Repeat this 10-15 times.

  2. Shoulder Rolls: Shoulder rolls are a great way to loosen up tight shoulder muscles and increase mobility. To perform this exercise, sit or stand with your arms at your sides and your shoulders relaxed. Roll your shoulders forwards, backwards, and then in a circular motion. Repeat this 10-15 times in each direction.

By incorporating these simple exercises into your daily routine, you can help to improve your posture, reduce tension in your neck and shoulders, and prevent long-term damage to your spine and nervous system. So if you spend hours at a time seated and hunching over, be sure to take a few minutes each day to give your shoulders and back the attention they deserve.


If you would like to learn more about shoulder pain and how to alleviate it, our next Free Online Shoulder Pain Workshop taking place on Tuesday, February 7th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm taught by expert physical therapist Andreas Schenk.  Sign up today at today!