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The Need for Knees: An Overview of the Knee and its Importance to a Healthy Body

One of the most important joints of the human body is the knee joint, also known as the Tibiofemoral joint. The knee joint is basically a hinge made up of 3 bones: the femur, tibia, and patella. Its main movements include flexion (bending of the knee) and extension (straightening of the knee). Between the femur and the tibia sits the meniscus. The meniscus is a figure-8 shaped piece of fibrocartilage that acts as a shock absorber. The main muscles attached to the knee joint include, the calf (gastrocnemius-soleus), quadriceps, and hamstring. These major muscle groups help to bend, straighten, and stabilize the knee. Having proper knee mechanics, strength, and mobility are essential to perform everyday activities including walking, running, sitting and standing.  In our clinic we see many cases of knee pain and we find that our Results Treatment Method (RTM) is very effective at helping people regain pain-free knee range of motion and strength.

Here is a simple, yet powerful stretch to improve the extensibility of the gastrocnemius muscle located behind that knee:

1) Start by standing with the ball of your foot propped on a rolled-up towel or half foam roller. Your heel should be on the ground.

2) Step forward with your opposite leg and lean on a countertop or elevated surface. The stretch shoulder be pain-free and felt along the back side of your lower leg.

3) Hold the stretch for 1 minute and repeat.

For more information call us at Results Rehab to schedule a free screening at 619-437-6450.