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When Your Balance is Compromised, Tuck and Roll!

Although working to improve your balance is important in order to prevent a fall, it is also very important to know how to fall. We can’t always avoid situations where we can lose our footing so it’s helpful to know some adjustments you can make on the way down.  It’s important to try and stay as relaxed as possible to avoid more severe injury. 

-Stay bent: By keeping your knees and elbows bent on the way down, you can soften the impact. When people panic, they lock out their arms which can lead to injury.  

Protect your head: if falling forward, try to turn your head to the side. If you are falling backward, tuck your chin to your chest to reduce direct impact.  

-Let yourself Roll: let yourself soften the fall by spreading the impact to more regions of your body (I.e. Try rolling to your side in a ball) 

-Land on the softer parts: It is better to land on the more soft and fleshy parts of your body such as your buttocks or thighs. This will provide more cushioning and decrease risk of fracturing a bone. 

Keep these things in mind when you are out in the community and it may reduce your risk of injury. If balance is something you are concerned about, no matter what age you are, call us at Results Rehab for a free Balance screen! 

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